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The Laundry Ball

Clean Clothes, Without Chemicals.

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How Do I Use My SmartKlean Laundry Ball?

  • 1. First, make sure you separate whites from colors.

  • 2. For tough stains you can pre-treat your clothes with a natural stain remover (see our stain remover recipe under question #19).

  • 3. Then, place your clothes in the laundry machine. Never overload the machine, we recommend a 3/4 load to allow the laundry ball to circulate freely in the water.

  • 4. Set to wash with cold water (hot water is not needed and do not boil wash with the laundry balls, this will shorten their life).

  • 5. Place the SmartKlean ball in the washer on top of your clothes and simply turn the washing machine on.

    • 6. You can stop the machine before the spin and rinse cycle, therefore saving water and energy.

    • 7. You can also leave the SmartKlean ball inside the washer until the next load.

    • NOTE: for heavy loads use two SmartKlean balls inside the washer. 

      A single (1) SmartKlean® Non-Detergent Laundry Ball is recommended for: normal loads (@18 lbs). Spring and summer washer loads typically lighter weight because they contain t-shirts, shorts and other light, warm weather apparel. One (1) laundry ball is suitable.

      Two (2) SmartKlean® Non-Detergent Laundry Balls are recommended for: larger loads (greater than 18 lbs).Because fall and winter loads typically contain heavier flannels, sweatshirts and other heavy, cold weather apparel, using two (2) laundry balls are suggested.

    Usage Tips:

    Common Questions: Use

    Is the laundry ball suitable for heavily soiled laundry?

    The laundry ball works great for everyday laundry and grime. However, the laundry ball will not remove stubborn stains such as blood or tomato sauce.  For heavily soiled laundry, we recommend reducing the amount of laundry in the washer to allow it to agitate freely, and the use of a stain remover if necessary.

    I don’t see any suds! Is my SmartKlean laundry ball working?

    Yes! Your laundry ball is still cleaning even though you don’t see any suds. The amount of suds in your washer has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the laundry ball. In fact, most commercial laundry soaps contain ingredients to produce fake suds to fool you into believing their products work better.

    What happens if I forget to stop the washing machine before the spin and rinse cycle? 

    The SmartKlean laundry ball is designed to be safe inside the washer throughout all cycles.

    Can the laundry ball be used to hand wash? 

    Yes, the clothes will need to be soaked together with the ball for 15-30 minutes and then afterwards, slightly agitate / stir the clothes for a few more minutes.

    Can I use hot water to wash with the SmartKlean Laundry ball? 

    No, we do not recommend the use of hot water with the laundry ball because it may reduce the life of the active ceramic components.

    Can the SmartKlean laundry ball be used for delicate fabrics? 

    Yes, in most cases. You can use it for delicate fabrics such as silk and wool although some will prefer to hand wash these fabrics with our laundry ball just to be safe.

    Can the SmartKlean Laundry Ball be used on cloth diapers?

    Yes. Many of our customers say it works great on cloth diapers! In a recent product review by Joan Land, author of the Soft Landing Baby blog, she states: “Works great, even on soiled cloth diapers! With the addition of fine sea salt and vinegar, load after load of dirty cloth diapers came out clean.”

    If detergent or soap is added to the wash, will it damage the ball or the ceramic beads, or make it any less effective? 

    It is unnecessary. However, whenever you use any laundry-cleaning product with the laundry ball, it increases the activity and function of these products. We recommend safe and eco-friendly products (and very small amounts) if you would like to use detergent in conjunction with the laundry ball.

    If bleach is added to the washer together with the ball, will it damage the ball or the ceramic beads, or make it any less effective? 

    Whenever you use any laundry-cleaning product with the laundry ball, it increases the activity and function of these products. However we don't recommend the use of common bleach because of its damage to your health and to the planet. We do suggest the use of any ecological laundry bleach (non-chlorine, which consist of 100% per carbonate and is composed of salt, limestone and oxygenated water.) You can also use lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide as a mild whitener for your fabrics.

    Is it advisable to use the SmartKlean laundry ball with a fabric softener? 

    This is not necessary. The laundry ball contains components and ingredients that will naturally expand the fibers of the fabrics. Also, because of the shape of the laundry ball and its movement in the drum, fabrics will retain their softness and elasticity.

    My washing machine smells strange, as does my laundry – why is that? 

    Before you started using the SmartKlean laundry ball, you probably used detergent. Soap residues have stuck to the soap dispenser and to the inside of the pipes in your washing machine, causing them to clog up slowly and cause mold. This may be the cause of the unpleasant smell. The smell of your detergent disguised this. To clean out your washing machine, we recommend that you do a 90-degree wash with an empty drum, putting two cupfuls of white organic vinegar in the soap dispenser. White organic vinegar is good for cleaning and removing soap residue deposits. Organic vinegar is antibacterial and does not foam in your machine. If you do this regularly, your machine remains in top condition and odor-free. If the unpleasant smell persists, please check the drains and pipes at the back of your machine to make sure that they are not blocked.

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    Usage Tips: Results Common Questions: Results

    What about smell? What can I do if I miss the smell of the detergent? 

    Your laundry will smell neutral. Some people are used to the smell of washing powder, the so-called fresh-chemical laundry smell of roses or jasmine. Other people do not like this smell or are allergic to soap, and use a fragrance-free detergent. You can fragrance your laundry afterwards in a variety of ways, for example by adding a few drops of essential oils to your wash.

    Note: Once the washing is done, it is important to immediately move the load into the dryer. Leaving clothes damp in the washer will cause a bad odor on the clothing and will not be disguised by chemical fragrances.

    Can the SmartKlean Laundry ball damage my clothing? 

    No, very unlikely. The laundry ball’s exterior is gentle with clothing and the movement in the drum will only agitate the dirt off your clothing. In fact, the laundry ball will only prolong the lifespan of your clothing in comparison to detergents.

    Will the Laundry Ball remove stains?

    Neither the our laundry ball nor detergent work to remove tough stains such as oil, wine or blood stains. For these types of stains, we recommend you pre-treat the spots with a natural stain remover with plant-based surfactants. For a more economical and ecological option, you can also choose to make your own home-made stain remover recipe with vinegar:

    A Vinegar Based Stain Remover:Keep this pretreatment solution on hand in the laundry room to use on virtually all tough clothing stains. Just combine:

      1/2 cup vinegar

      1/2 cup ammonia

      1/2 cup baking soda

      2 squirts liquid soap

      2 quarts water

    (Keep the solution in a clearly labeled spray bottle.)

    Also, make sure to reduce the amount of clothes in the load to wash pre-treated clothes in order to allow them to circulate in washer more freely helping the laundry ball clean these items more efficiently.

    We have many articles on our blog about stain removers. Just type stain remover on the search bar to find these.

    Why does the fabric feel softer using the SmartKlean Laundry Ball? 

    It is due to the physical action of the active components inside the laundry ball that make the fibers expand. You can eliminate fabric softener off your shopping list!

    Will my clothes retain their colour with the SmartKlean laundry ball? 

    SmartKlean achieves excellent results in terms of colour protection.

    Do whites remain white? 

    SmartKlean keeps whites naturally, but it uses no optical brighteners or other whitening agents. When desired you can use an ecological bleach, lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide for brilliant white laundry.

    Can the SmartKlean Laundry ball damage the drum? SmartKlean can withstand long high-speed spin cycles and is definitely not harmful to your washing machine.

    Is the laundry ball safe for septic systems?

    Yes, it is 100% safe for septic systems. Unlike laundry detergents, they leave absolutely no residue.

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    Usage Tips: Information Common Questions

    There are claims on the internet that laundry balls are a scam and either do not work, or do not wash really clean – is this true?

    Some laundry balls are less effective, or not effective at all. Not all laundry balls are the same. Some contain detergent and others even have inactive ‘imitation’ ceramic pellets. Test have shown that the SmartKlean laundry ball is a high quality product that washes just as effective or in some cases even better than detergent.

    How much does it cost?

    For only $45 CAD, you can wash your clothes for a WHOLE YEAR or more! It costs $85 for 2 (for bigger loads). We recommend you get two for more efficient use.Does SmartKlean offer a product guarantee? We do offer 100% satisfaction guarantee if someone happens to be dissatisfied with our product, simply return it within 30 days of purchase and we'll gladly return their money.

    How long will my SmartKlean Laundry Ball last? 

    The laundry ball is designed to live a life-span of a WHOLE YEAR if you wash 18 lbs.(8 kg) loads every day. If you don’t wash clothes every day, it can last even longer! If you have heavier loads we recommend you use two laundry balls for a more effective wash (larger loads @greater than 18 lbs). This average life span applies to every household.

    How large is the laundry ball? 

    The SmartKlean laundry ball is about the size of a softball or almost twice the size of a tennis ball.

    Do the ceramic pellets dissolve in the laundry water? 

    No, these are large pellets that do not dissolve in the water and leave no residue in the water or clothing.

    If the product can be used for a year on an 18 lbs. per day basis, but you only wash your clothes once per week, wouldn’t that extend the use of the laundry ball for a much longer time? i.e. 2 or 3 years? 

    The laundry ball will work at its maximum power for 365 washes. The less you use it the longer the product will last, but we stick to 1 year because most people wash their clothes a few times a week and on some days more than once. Please check our lifespan chart (PDF link on page) according to different wash schedules.

    I have a newer front-loading washing machine. Can I use the SmartKlean Laundry Ball with my machine? 

    The SmartKlean ball is compatible with ALL front loader & HE washing machines. It is safe for septic tanks.

    How economical is the SmartKlean Laundry Ball? 

    When you buy the laundry ball to use for one whole year you are eliminating the repetitive consumption of laundry detergent on a weekly or monthly basis. This means it pays for itself in a month or less. Depending on how many times you wash per week it can save hundreds to thousands of dollars per year, and not only are you saving on detergent, but fabric softener and dryer sheets as well. View our article about the average savings with SmartKlean in comparison to Tide and Seventh Generation.

    Does the SmartKlean Laundry Ball need some kind of maintenance for it to keep being effective? 

    Yes, all you need to do is place it under the sun or beside a window for one hour or more once a month. This will regenerate the ceramic micro beads within it and preserve a long-lasting performance.

    Is the SmartKlean laundry ball safe for children? What if the contents go into a child’s mouth? 

    It is very difficult to open the SmartKlean laundry ball. However if this should happen, the ceramic pellets are not toxic, but do call your doctor immediately and do what you can to prevent choking.

    Why is the laundry ball considered an environmentally friendly product?

    By using this product, you are making the world a better, healthier and cleaner place, and you may be positively impacting the health of your family for years to come. Over many years of use, you will personally prevent flushing thousands of pounds of chemicals and toxins into our irreplaceable fresh water supply. You will be using much less packaging waste, save thousands of gallons of water per year and energy as well. These are significant changes that you can very easily make on your own. Every little bit helps, and by using SmartKlean and influencing others to use the laundry ball, we will all be working together towards a future where our children and grandchildren will inherit a cleaner and healthier planet. See more information about our product’s environmental benefits here.

    Is there any part of the SmartKlean Laundry Ball that is harmful to the environment?

    The ceramic pellets inside the laundry ball are not harmful to the environment. They leave no residue in the water and are completely biodegradable. The ball itself is made of thermoplastic elastomer, an environmentally-friendly recyclable plastic.

    Are the ceramics mined? 

    These ceramic pellets are made of more than 80 kinds of natural minerals, like tourmaline, medical stone, quartz powder, and others such as these.

    Once the laundry ball is no longer usable, how can we dispose of it? Is it recyclable? 

    Both the ceramics and magnets contained inside of the laundry ball are natural and biodegradable. The enclosure of the laundry ball is made up of recyclable thermoplastic elastomer which is a number 7 plastic - please find a recycling program that accepts this type of plastic for recycling in your area.

    Not satisfied with the SmartKlean Laundry Ball? 

    You can return the laundry ball within 30 days of purchase in the original packaging (you are responsible for return shipping cost). Contact us so we can send you instructions on how to return the product and receive a refund.

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    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

    This section answers frequently asked questions about the SmartKlean Laundry Ball. It is divided into four sections for ease of use: Action, Results and Information.


      Is the SmartKlean Laundry Ball hypoallergenic?

      Describe how the courses can help a specific student based on their level of expertise on the subject. Describe how the courses can help them move to the next level.

      Is the SmartKlean Laundry Ball safe enough to wash my children's clothes?

      Yes it is safe. It is a chemical-free product therefore it is GREAT for infants, children and people with chemical sensitivities, asthma and allergies. It will definitely help eliminate toxin related health problems by using alternatives to chemical based products. Use our ball to greatly reduce the amount of chemicals that are around your children and pets in your home.

      How is it that the SmartKlean Laundry Ball washes clothes clean if it does not produce any foam or suds? I just don’t get how you can clean my clothes without soaps. Can you please explain this to me? 

      First of all, you need to know that with detergents, you are not washing your clothes with soaps, and you probably never have in your lifetime. Detergents are actually not soaps. They are mostly petrochemicals derived from crude oil. Water is the universal solvent. Water is what ultimately cleans your clothes. All detergents do is help water clean better. The SmartKlean Laundry Ball is placed among the laundry in the washing machine. The ball is filled with small ceramic pellets. When these pellets come into contact with water, they interact with the water molecules and change their molecular structure, raise the PH level of the water, and essentially help the water clean clothes just like a detergent. Both the laundry ball and detergents work to reduce the surface tension of the water and surround the dirt and lift it from the fibers. The difference is that SmartKlean works with physical properties and detergents work with chemical properties.

      Can the SmartKlean Laundry Ball be used with both washing powder and liquid detergent?

      Although it is unnecessary, yes it can. It will not damage the laundry ball.

      How long will the SmartKlean laundry ball last?

      The SmartKlean laundry ball will last about 365 washes. For the average American, this can last from 1-3 years. View our lifespan chart according to different wash schedules. (pdf link).

      Other laundry balls claim to last longer, such as 1000 washes, isn’t that better?

      We have tested many laundry balls only to find that most of the laundry balls that claim to wash for 1000 washes are not as effective after the 300th or 400th wash. Some didn’t even work for more than 100 washes. Our laundry ball contains a unique set of ceramics with powerful active ingredients. It can be used to wash 1000 times but it won’t wash with the same power as the first 365-400 washes. We prefer being honest about the efficacy of our product and keep a clean reputation.

      Does the SmartKlean Laundry Ball work with hard water?

      Yes, it works excellent with hard water! Let’s go over what hard water is to help you understand why it works great: “Hard” water contains large amounts of dissolved calcium and magnesium. On the other hand, “Soft” water is water that contains small amounts of calcium and magnesium or none. One of the primary disadvantages to hard water and the reason it is described as, “hard”, is more soap, detergent, shampoo, and/or cleanser, is required to get whatever you are washing clean. It is literally, harder to get anything clean with hard water. Hard water builds up scale on the inside of water pipes eventually reducing the flow. Hard water coats your water heater element greatly increasing the cost of heating water.

      How the laundry ball softens water:

      Our natural solution contains active components such as an alkali ceramic, which reduces acidity in water by removing calcium and magnesium thus turning the pH of water at a level 7 or greater (anything under 7 is acidic) and also the natural antibiotic ball helps clean the water very effectively and removes harmful bacteria and viruses. There are NO medical antibiotics only natural nano-silver that is natures natural antibiotic.

      Information on pH (Potential of hydrogen):

      PH is a scale measuring the acidity or alkalinity of the water based solution. For ease of understanding the pH is a measure of hydrogen ion (H+) pH scale has a range of 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acid, greater than 7 is alkaline.

      Pure water is neutral with a pH of seven. When washing clothes we must reach a pH of 7 or higher, we can obtain this pH using detergents with chemicals like phosphates that eliminates calcium and other minerals to correct the problem of acid water.In addition to this, the chlorine removal pellet eliminates chlorine compound in the water.

      How do I know when the laundry ball is no longer usable? 

      The laundry will become less clean. The efficacy of washing decreases due to the deterioration of the ceramics within the laundry ball upon 365 washes or more. Once the ceramics begin to wear off and reduce in size these tiny grains will eventually fall into the holes of the enclosure of the laundry ball. Once this is visible, it will indicate that the life of the ball is done and it’s time to change to a new one.

      Are the ceramics replaceable? 

      No, the laundry ball is not designed to be opened simply for safety reasons. This will avoid any accidents inside of the washing machine as well as for children and infants. The laundry balls that allow you to replace the contents run a very high risk of opening inside of the washer possibly ruining the machine. One must also consider that these are balls that look very friendly to children, infants and pets and if they can easily open these, they run a high risk of swallowing / choking on the ceramic balls inside the laundry ball.

      How will the antibiotic action affect a septic system and municipal water system? Aren’t antibiotics unsafe for water treatment systems?

      One of the ceramic pellets found inside of the laundry ball is labeled ‘antibiotic’ ball because it produces an antibiotic ‘effect’, however it is completely natural and safe for the environment. This component is made up of nano-structured silver, which can be defined as a group of silver particles in an atomic scale.

      Although a nano-silver group of silver particles is extremely minute, it has mega health benefits when it comes to killing and preventing bacteria and infections. The success of silver nano-particles against bacterial growth is due to the damage of the plasma membrane or bacterial enzymes. This results to a morphological distortion of the bacterial cells, leading to impairment of bacterial metabolism and escape of cytoplasmic substance to the surroundings.

      (Information on Silver Nitrate)

      Much research has been done in evaluating the ability of the silver ion at inactivating E. coli, microorganism commonly used as an indicator for fecal contamination and as a surrogate for pathogens in drinking water treatment. Concentrations of silver nitrate evaluated in inactivation experiments range from 10–200 micrograms per liter as Ag+. The antimicrobial properties of silver was first observed thousands of years ago when silver containers were used to store water for preservation. Its disinfection ability has been scientifically studied for over a century.

      Bacterial Resistance information: Preliminary findings suggested that bacteria do not develop resistance to nano-silver nearly as quickly as they do to silver nitrate.

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